How can you Partner
Tithes and offerings:
We believe in the intentional investment into the lives of others around us so that each person may reach their highest God-given potential. Through your partnership, we may continue to fulfill our mission of: "preach[ing] good tidings unto the meek;" "bind[ing] up the brokenhearted"; and "proclaim[ing] liberty to the captives" (Isaiah 61:1 KJV). Thank you for your support and investment into this ministry as we fulfill our mandate for the Kingdom!
Additional ways you can GIVE:
(We advice to use the Easytithe service above for you to have a dedicated private account to login, manage, and review your giving history, and allow our finance team to provide personal yearly financials reports, and/or reports when needed)
Text to Give
Send a text to +18644325882​
Text your amount "100" and add the keyword for a specific Fund:
tithe, offering, network, radio, bahamas
You will receive a text like this. Follow the easy steps to setup your account.

Give by mail
Make your checks or money orders payable to:
New Life Prophetic Ministries
11219 HWY 221 S, Suite 16
Waterloo, SC 29384
Give in pErson
Give in person at our weekly service. We remind you that currently all our services are streaming live.
103 Academy Street
Laurens, SC 29360